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Skilled Trade Training Program

Skills Council of Canada's Building the Future: Pre-Apprenticehship Program provides all the tools, resources, and support you need to be successful in the skilled trades. Learn more below and register now!

About your funded program

Our program supports youth, women, Indigneous Peoples, between the ages of 18-29 in learning about the skilled trades, Explore a Trade and deep dive into Skilled Trade Training/.

Thank you for your interest. Please complete the follwing application to be considered for the program.

A little about you.

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What are your contact details?

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Please enter a valid email address
Please enter a phone number

Where do you live?

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What language do you prefer?

How do you prefer we communicate with you?

Government of Ontario requires the following information to understand who their funding is supporting.

I identify as:

What is your status in Canada?

What is your Country of Orgin?

(Not applicable for Canadian Citizens)

Please specify an answer
Please enter a valid date

What is your marital status?

What part of the labour force are you part of?

What is your source of income?

Voluntary Response

Please complete if you wish to self-identify as a member of a designated group(s). This information will be used by the Governments of Ontario and Canada for policy analysis and statistical purposes related to employment programs and services. (You may select more than one option):

What is your your highest level of Education or Qualification?

Do you have work experience?

What is your work experience?

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What did you get paid?

Please enter a valid value
Please enter a valid value
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Reason for leaving?

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Congrats! We are thrilled to start this journey with you!

Our team is reviewing your registration and will be setting you up to get started shortly.

Your Pre-Apprenticeship Program


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