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Order Official RIAA© Award Plaques from Gold Rush Vinyl

This form should ONLY be used if this release has been audited by the RIAA and you have been authorized to receive a certified award. 

For other award plaques, see options here.

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Authorization Required

To receive an award plaque with the RIAA's trademarks, the album or single must have been officially certified by the RIAA and you must either: 

a) represent the artist who received certification; or 

b) represent the record label credited with the release.

Otherwise we must receive a letter of authorization that verifies you are eligible to receive an RIAA award plaque. This authorization typically comes from the record label. 

Other Award Options

In the absence of an authorization letter, we're happy to offer our Music Milestone Award plaques to celebrate your achievements.

Here is an example Music Milestone plaque:

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Music Milestone Awards

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# of Plaques You Plan to Order:
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Our sales team will review your details and be in touch about your order request.

We look forward to working on this with you!


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