Get your learning plan in just 24 hours!

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Get a detailed learning plan to help speed up your child's motivation – free of charge.

Your child's education support staff.

Olaide Olasupo 

Whether you're seeking to motivate your child through learning by doing, meeting new study pals or engage in activities that improve their creativity, I'm here to guide you through the process and set up an effective planner - which I've been doing for more than 5 years.

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Before you begin:

Please be aware that learning plans are curated to be personalised to each child.

Before you begin:

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First, we need some details on the support available to the learner.

Research has found that children who have emotional and familial support tend to perform better at school and have a positive outlook of self.

Are you a parent or guardian?

What's your current parenting situation?

What's the highest academic degree that you have completed?

What's the learner's name?

First name
Please enter your first name
Last name
Please enter your last name

Select learner's gender?

What stage of school is the learner in?

How would you describe your child relatively to their class?

Rate your child's confidence towards school

Which of the following best describes your child?

Almost done...  🎉

What are your goals for this learner?

Alright! Last step...

Learner's date of birth

Please select a date.

Great! We've received your details.

To whom should we send the learning plan?

First name
Please enter your first name
Last name
Please enter your last name
Email address
Please enter a valid email address

More than 300 families found their learning plan with us  🎉

Awesome! We have received your request!


What happens next:


We will create a customised learning plan based on the details provided.


One of our education support representative will contact you to discuss your plan.


In our consultation, you can let us know if you have any questions or wish to activate your child's plan.

We're looking forward to meeting the learner and to a successful outcome.


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