
Hey! I'm Maya, your JoyLet Gear Concierge. Answer some questions so I can help find the right gear and toys for your family.

So, what are you most interested in?

Great. What are you going to use your gear & toys for.

Got it. So, where are you in your parenthood journey?

Congrats! What is your due date?

Please specify an answer

Are you planning to build a registry or have a baby shower?

Just curious, how are you planning to approach nesting for the new baby?

How confident do you feel in selecting the gear and toys you'll need?

Thanks! Do you have a little one at home too?

Cute! What is your little one's name?

Please specify an answer

How old is @childname1?

Do you have another child at home?

Cute! What is your little one's name?

Please specify an answer

How old is @childname2?

Do you have another child at home?

Cute! What is your little one's name?

Please specify an answer

How old is @childname3?

Just curious, what is your approach to toddler gear and toys?

Cool! Where does your family live?

Zip Code
Please specify an answer

Thanks. Let's spend a minute on your home...

Is space for gear and toys a concern in your home?

One more question, how do you feel about technology in gear and toys?

Final question, is there any category you don't want a recommendation on?

Anything else I should know about your family?

Share it here!
Please specify an answer

Alright, let me put some recommendations together...

This can take a few seconds...

OK! Just need a few details before I can share it with you.

First Name
Please specify an answer
Last Name
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer

Check your inbox! 

You'll find our top picks, a downloadable version of our Newborn Gear Guide. and a link to book a 1:1 consultation.  


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