
Hi there, how can we help you?

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No problem, what can we support you with?

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Sure thing, what are you interested in today?

Select one of the options below.

Welcome back 👋, how can we help you today?

Select one of the options below.

Great! What type of solution are you looking for?

Choose as many options as you like.

Great! What kind of training are you looking for?

Choose as many options as you like.

No problem, what manufactuer/brand are you interested in?

This helps the team provide relevant information straight away.

Almost done, what is your budget?

This helps use provide you with information relevant to your budget.

Great! What data are you interested in capturing?

Choose as many options as you like.

Almost done, what is your budget?

This helps use provide you with information relevant to your budget.

No problem, what manufactuer/brand are you interested in?

This helps the team provide relevant information straight away.

No problem, what manufactuer/brand are you interested in?

This helps the team provide relevant information straight away.

Are you interested in purchasing hardware aswell?

No problem, what can we help you with?

No problem, what can we support you with?

Did you purchase your unit from us?

What manufactuer/brand is your device?

Did you purchase the unit from Coptrz?

No problem, please fill in the details below.

Order number
Please specify an answer
Serial number
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Please specify the damage
Please specify an answer
Drop your images here or click
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No problem, please fill in the details below.

Serial number
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Please specify the damage
Please specify an answer
Drop your images here or click
Accepts png, jpeg, pdf

No problem, please fill in the details below.

Order number
Please specify an answer
Serial number
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Known issues (upload images if applicable)
Please specify an answer
Drop your images of known damage here or click
Accepts png, jpeg, pdf

What size is your drone? 

Hold on - we're putting your case together!

Hold on - we're putting your case together!

Hold on - we're putting your case together!

Hold on - we're putting your case together!

Hold on - we're putting your case together!

Hold on - we're putting your case together!

Hold on - we're putting your case together!

Fill in the last few details so our team can contact you if required!

First name
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Last name
Please enter your last name
Company name
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Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Phone number
Please enter a valid phone number
Collection address (if applicable)
Please specify an answer
Return address
Please specify an answer
Additional notes (Optional)
Please specify an answer

Fill in the last few details so our team can contact you if required!

First name
Please enter your first name
Last name
Please enter your last name
Company name
Please specify an answer
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Phone number
Please enter a valid phone number
Collection address (if applicable)
Please specify an answer
Return address
Please specify an answer
Additional notes (Optional)
Please specify an answer

Fill in the last few details to create your support case! 💪

First name
Please enter your first name
Last name
Please enter your last name
Company name
Please specify an answer
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Phone number
Please enter a valid phone number
Order number
Please specify an answer
Additional notes (Optional)
Please specify an answer
Drop your file here or click
Accepts png, jpeg, pdf

Fill in the last few details to create your support case! 💪

First name
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Company name
Please specify an answer
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Additional notes (Optional)
Please specify an answer
Drop your file here or click
Accepts png, jpeg, pdf

Fill in the last few details to pass your details to the team! 💪

First name
Please enter your first name
Last name
Please enter your last name
Company name
Please specify an answer
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Please select a date range you'd like the flight demo to be
Please specify an answer
Additional notes (Optional)
Please specify an answer
Drop your file here or click
Accepts png, jpeg, pdf

Fill in the last few details to create your finance case! 💪

First name
Please enter your first name
Last name
Please enter your last name
Company name
Please specify an answer
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Phone number
Please enter a valid phone number
Order number
Please specify an answer
Additional notes (Optional)
Please specify an answer
Drop your file here or click
Accepts png, jpeg, pdf

Fill in the last few details to create your support case! 💪

First name
Please enter your first name
Last name
Please enter your last name
Company name
Please specify an answer
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Phone number
Please enter a valid phone number
Order number
Please specify an answer
Drone Serial Number
Please specify an answer
Any issues or damage? How did it happen?
Please specify an answer
Upload images here
Accepts png, jpeg, pdf

Fill in the last few details to create your support case! 💪

First name
Please enter your first name
Last name
Please enter your last name
Company name
Please specify an answer
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Phone number
Please enter a valid phone number
Order number
Please specify an answer
Additional notes (Optional)
Please specify an answer
Upload images here
Accepts png, jpeg, pdf

Thank you for contacting us!

Our team review your enquiry and will be in touch with you shortly.

Check out Coptrz Academy! New courses available 🚀

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