Are you looking for top talent for your biotechnology endavour?

Great! My name is Julien ( and I will promptly help you in doing so at no charge.


After your submission of this short clickflow, it will be sent to our internal database, where we simply check for spam or filter out inappropriate job posts. After a short period of time, we will proceed to publish your post.

Is this free? Where's the catch?

There are no costs or liabilities associated with posting here. Nada. Zero. Zilch.

We get it. This sounds too good to be true. Know that we're simply a team of students and researchers who believe that a major problem of Germany's biotechnology scene is a mismatch between employees and employers. We are here to change that.

What happens to my data?

It will be temporarily saved on our servers. Your contact data will be published.


What's the company's / institution's name?

Company name
Please specify an answer

Can you upload the logo of your company?

It is highly recommended to use a square format. Otherwise, your listing will seem sub-quality.

Drop your file here or click
Accepts png, jpeg, pdf (max. 10 MB)

What type of employer are you?

Great! What's the job's title?

Job title
Please specify an answer

What type of job is this?

When should we publish the post?

Please enter a valid date

When should we delete the post?

The post will automatically be deleted on this date.

Please enter a valid date

What's the content of the vacancy?

Please upload a PDF file. In order to optimize the SEO ("findability") we will copy and paste the content into our format.

Drop your file here or click
Accepts png, jpeg, pdf (max. 10 MB)

Do you have a link we should re-direct to?

This is optional!

Please specify an answer

Who is the contact person?

Interested applicants may have a question about the vacancy. This person will also receive a confirmation of the post.

First name
Please enter your first name
Last name
Please enter your last name
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
Phone number
Please enter a valid phone number

Congratulations, you are eligible!

I'm looking forward to publishing your post!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me:

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