
Hey! We are Team Visaflow.

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Our VisaFlow will help you identify the suitable visa or residence permit for your stay in Germany based on your answers. 

We do not provide legal advice or guarantee the accuracy of information provided, and we assume no liability for it. By clicking the button, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and accepted these terms.

Our VisaFlow Embassy-Finder helps you find the German embassy or consulate general responsible for your visa application in your country. 

We do not provide legal advice or guarantee the accuracy of information provided, and we assume no liability for it. By clicking the button, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and accepted these terms.

Our VisaFlow Immigration-Office-Finder will help you find the immigration office in Germany responsible for your place of residence. 

We do not provide legal advice or guarantee the accuracy of information provided, and we assume no liability for it. By clicking the button, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and accepted these terms.

As for now, we can't provide you with information about  this visa category. 

We are working tirelessly to expand our range of information. 

Mein Bild

We will let you know when we have implemented information on this. 

All you have to do is subscribe to our newsletter!

Good News!

Based on our analysis you could apply for a visa in Germany!*

Mein Bild
*Based on our preliminary assessment, you might be eligible to apply for a visa in Germany. This does not guarantee visa issuance, as final decisions depend on the German authorities considering your specific situation and current regulations.

Based on our analysis you could apply for a visa in Germany!*

Mein Bild
*Based on our preliminary assessment, you might be eligible to apply for a visa in Germany. This does not guarantee visa issuance, as final decisions depend on the German authorities considering your specific situation and current regulations.

We are sorry!

Based on our analysis your chances for getting a visa in Germany are low.*

Mein Bild
*Based on our preliminary assessment, you are not eligible to apply for a visa in Germany. This result does not rule out visa issuance for you, as final decisions depend on the German authorities considering your specific situation and current regulations.
Mein Bild

That was easy,

 you're all set!

As a citizen of an EU or EFTA country, you enjoy the European freedom of movement

This means that you do not need a visa to enter Germany and do not require a residence permit for your stay in Germany. 

Mein Bild

That was easy,

 you're all set for entry!

As a citizen of Australia, Israel, Japan, Canada, Republic of Korea, New Zealand, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland you do not need a visa to enter Germany. 

If you want to stay longer in Germany you need to get a residence permit.

Click the button below to find out which residence permit could be interesting for you!

Mein Bild

That was easy,

 you're all set!

As a citizen of Australia, Israel, Japan, Canada, Republic of Korea, New Zealand, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland you do not need a visa to enter Germany. You can stay up to 90 days within a 180-day period.

However, if you want to stay longer than 90 days in Germany you need to get a residence permit.

Mein Bild


As a citizen of a country that has concluded a bilateral visa waiver agreement with Germany, you do not need a visa for stays of up to 90 days within a 180-day period.

Mein Bild

Coming Soon!

We're working hard to bring new enhancements to your experience. 

Although this specific offering is not yet available, we're committed 

to expanding our services to better serve your needs. 

Thank you for your understanding and support as 

we grow our platform to offer you more value.

Mein Bild

Feel free to contact us and ask any visa/resident permit related questions.

We want to learn about you and your problem! 

Please answer the following questions:

Where are you from?

Why are we asking this?

Depending on the country of origin, entry concessions apply to the respective citizens from the above-mentioned country categories. 

Help me decide

What to know which countries belong to the European Union?

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.

You don't know which areas belong to which country? Here is an overview: 

Australia includes the Cocos Islands, Norfolk Island and Christmas Island.

France includes French Guyane, French Polynesia, Guadeloupe, Martinique, New Caledonia, Réunion, St Pierre and Miquelon.

Spain includes spanish territories in North Africa with Ceuta and Melilla

New Zealand includes the Cook Islands, Niue, and Tokelau.

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland includes the Channel Islands and Gibraltar.

United States of America includes the Virgin Islands of the United States, American Samoa, Guam and Puerto Rico.

Please answer the following questions:

How long do you plan to stay in Germany?

Why are we asking this?

Identifying the duration of your stay is essential for applying for the correct visa, ensuring you meet all legal criteria for your visit to Germany.

Help me decide

Answer 1: Less than 90 Days

If you're planning to stay in Germany for less than 90 days, you're looking at a short visit. This could be for a vacation, a business trip, or maybe a short course. For such trips, you usually need a Schengen visa. This type of visa lets you travel around the Schengen area, which includes Germany and many other European countries, without needing separate visas for each country. It's all about making short stays simple and hassle-free.

Answer 2: More Than 90 Days

Choosing this means you're looking to stay in Germany for a longer time. Maybe you're planning to work, study for a semester (or more), or join family members. For this, you'd need a different type of visa or permit that matches the reason you're staying longer. It involves a bit more paperwork, like showing you have enough money for your stay, health insurance, and what you'll be doing in Germany. It's all about making sure you're all set for a longer adventure in Germany.

Please answer the following questions:

How long do you plan to stay in Germany?

Why are we asking this?

Identifying the duration of your stay is essential for applying for the correct visa, ensuring you meet all legal criteria for your visit to Germany.

Help me decide

Answer 1: Less than 90 Days

If you're planning to stay in Germany for less than 90 days, you're looking at a short visit. This could be for a vacation, a business trip, or maybe a short course. For such trips, you usually need a Schengen visa. This type of visa lets you travel around the Schengen area, which includes Germany and many other European countries, without needing separate visas for each country. It's all about making short stays simple and hassle-free.

Answer 2: More Than 90 Days

Choosing this means you're looking to stay in Germany for a longer time. Maybe you're planning to work, study for a semester (or more), or join family members. For this, you'd need a different type of visa or permit that matches the reason you're staying longer. It involves a bit more paperwork, like showing you have enough money for your stay, health insurance, and what you'll be doing in Germany. It's all about making sure you're all set for a longer adventure in Germany.

Please answer the following questions:

Are you from a country that has concluded a bilateral visa waiver agreement for short stays with Germany?

Help me decide

You don't know if your country has concluded a bilateral visa waiver agreement with Germany? 

Here is a list of countries that has: 

Albania, Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Chile, Costa Rica, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominica, El Salvador, Georgia,  Grenada, Guatemala, Honduras, Kiribati, Kosovo, Macao, Malaysia, Marshall Islands,  Mauritius, Mexico, Micronesia, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Nicaragua, North Macedonia, Palau, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa,  San Marino, Serbia, Seychelles, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Taiwan, Timor-Leste (East Timor), Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvalu, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Vatican City, Venezuela

Please answer the following questions:

Do you have a Visa or Residence Permit already from another EU state?

Why are we asking this?

This question helps streamline your application by identifying if you might be eligible for any simplified procedures based on existing permissions within the EU. It's all about making your journey to obtaining the right visa or permit as straightforward as possible.

Help me decide

Answer 1: Yes

If you select "Yes," it means you already have permission from another EU country that might simplify your process for staying in Germany. This is because the EU has agreements that can make moving within its member states easier for certain visa or permit holders. Having a visa or permit from another EU state can sometimes speed up the process or reduce the paperwork for getting a similar permission in Germany, depending on your specific situation.

Answer 2: No

Choosing "No" indicates you're starting the process from scratch, which is perfectly normal. It means you'll need to meet all the requirements set by Germany for your visa or residence permit. This option guides you through the standard procedure to ensure you gather and submit all necessary documentation for the visa or residence class you're applying for. It's essential for those who aim to enter the German or broader EU job market, study, or join family members.

Please answer the following questions:

Do you have a Visa or Residence Permit already from another EU state?

Why are we asking this?

This question helps streamline your application by identifying if you might be eligible for any simplified procedures based on existing permissions within the EU. It's all about making your journey to obtaining the right visa or permit as straightforward as possible.

Help me decide

Answer 1: Yes

If you select "Yes," it means you already have permission from another EU country that might simplify your process for staying in Germany. This is because the EU has agreements that can make moving within its member states easier for certain visa or permit holders. Having a visa or permit from another EU state can sometimes speed up the process or reduce the paperwork for getting a similar permission in Germany, depending on your specific situation.

Answer 2: No

Choosing "No" indicates you're starting the process from scratch, which is perfectly normal. It means you'll need to meet all the requirements set by Germany for your visa or residence permit. This option guides you through the standard procedure to ensure you gather and submit all necessary documentation for the visa or residence class you're applying for. It's essential for those who aim to enter the German or broader EU job market, study, or join family members.

Please answer the following questions:

What is your purpose for staying in Germany?

Why are we asking this?

Each purpose has its path and requirements, so identifying yours is the first step toward a successful stay in Germany. This question helps to tailor the visa application process to your specific situation, making it as straightforward and efficient as possible.

Help me decide


Choosing 'Education' means you're planning to study in Germany, perhaps for a degree, a semester abroad, or a language course. This option is vital because student visas have specific requirements, like acceptance from a recognized institution and proof of financial means to support your stay. Understanding your purpose as education helps streamline your application towards the right visa category, ensuring you get the guidance and documentation needed for a successful application.


Selecting 'Work' indicates you aim to engage in employment in Germany, which could range from a full-time job to a professional internship. This choice requires a different set of documents, like a job offer or contract from a German employer and possibly recognition of your qualifications. It's crucial for aligning your application with the correct work visa or permit, making the process smoother and increasing your chances of approval.


If you pick 'Family', it means you're planning to join a family member who is living in Germany, possibly for reasons like marriage or reunion with a parent or child. This option involves proving your relationship with the family member in Germany and that you can be supported financially. It directs you towards a family reunion visa, tailored to ensure families can live together in Germany, which has its unique requirements and processes.

Please answer the following questions:

What type of education are you pursuing?

Why are we asking this?

Each education type has its unique visa requirements and processes, aimed at ensuring you have the right paperwork for your educational path. Understanding your educational pursuit helps streamline your visa application, ensuring you apply for the correct visa type and meet all necessary criteria.

Help me decide

Fulltime Student

This option is for those looking to enroll in a university or college program that takes place during the day and requires a significant amount of your time, just like a full-time job. This choice matters because it helps determine if you need a student visa that allows for a longer stay and possibly work part-time during your studies.

Language Course

Selecting this indicates you're planning to take a language course, possibly to improve your German skills. This is crucial for determining if you need a language learning visa, which is typically short-term but can be a stepping stone to further education or employment in Germany.


This is for those looking to engage in vocational training through an apprenticeship program. Germany values skilled trades and offers specific visas for vocational training, highlighting the need for practical, on-the-job learning in addition to classroom instruction.

Study-related Internship

If you're planning to gain practical experience related to your field of study through an internship in Germany, this choice is for you. It's important because different rules may apply for internships, and you might need a specific visa that allows you to work in a professional setting as part of your educational journey.

High School Education

Choosing this means you're interested in attending a high school in Germany, perhaps as part of an exchange program. This selection helps clarify the type of visa you'll need, focusing on a visa suitable for younger learners and potentially involving different requirements, like living arrangements.

Please answer the following questions:

Do you alreay have a specific apprenticenship position? 

Why are we asking this?

If you already have a training place in Germany, other requirements regarding your visa or residence permit apply to you.

Please answer the following questions:

Are you under 35?

Please answer the following questions:

Are you already enrolled in a language program?

Why are we asking this?

This helps us understand if a language learning visa fits your situation, streamlining your journey to improving your language skills in Germany for professional or personal growth.

Help me decide


Choose this if you're currently enrolled in a language course. It indicates you might be seeking a visa specifically for language acquisition, which is essential for further studies or work in Germany.


Select this if you're not enrolled yet. This could mean you're exploring options or planning to enroll in the future. Knowing your enrollment status helps in guiding you towards the correct visa application process for language learning purposes.

Please answer the following questions:

Do you already have a place at university?

Why are we asking this?

Identifying whether you have a university place is crucial for guiding you to the right visa category. It helps streamline your application by focusing on the visa that matches your current academic status, ensuring a smoother process for your educational journey in Germany.

Help me decide

Answer 1: Yes

Choose this if you've been accepted into a university program in Germany. It's a clear indication you're moving forward with your studies and need a visa that supports your educational stay.

Answer 2: No

Select this if you're still exploring your options or are in search of a study place. It's useful to know that you are allowed to come to Germany for university application processes or preparatory courses.

Please answer the following questions:

Are you under 35?

Why are we asking this?

Identifying whether you have a university place is crucial for guiding you to the right visa category. It helps streamline your application by focusing on the visa that matches your current academic status, ensuring a smoother process for your educational journey in Germany.

Help me decide

Answer 1: Yes

Choose this if you've been accepted into a university program in Germany. It's a clear indication you're moving forward with your studies and need a visa that supports your educational stay.

Answer 2: No

Select this if you're still exploring your options or are in search of a study place. It's useful to know that you are allowed to come to Germany for university application processes or preparatory courses.

Please answer the following questions:

Would you like to become self-employed or work as an employee?

Why are we asking this?

Your career path significantly influences the type of visa you'll need. Identifying whether you'll be self-employed or working as an employee helps us direct you towards the appropriate visa process, ensuring your professional plans in Germany are achievable.

Help me decide


Pick this if you're planning to start your own business or work freelance in Germany. It leads you towards a visa tailored for entrepreneurs and freelancers.


Choose this if you aim to work for a company in Germany. This option guides you to the visa types designed for employment, matching you with opportunities based on contracts with German employers.

Please answer the following questions:

Do you already have a job offer or are you looking for a job?

Why are we asking this?

Knowing your job status helps determine the right visa path, ensuring you apply for a visa that aligns with your immediate needs—either taking up an offered position or searching for opportunities in Germany.

Help me decide

Job Offer

Select this if you have a confirmed job offer in Germany. It suggests you need a visa for employment, based on an existing contract with an employer.

Job Search

Choose this if you're still seeking employment in Germany. This option points towards a job seeker visa, allowing you to enter Germany to find a job.

Please answer the following questions:

Did you complete an apprenticeship or studies in Germany?

Why are we asking this?

Depending on whether you have completed your training or studies in Germany, the visa or residence permit process may be less complicated.

Please answer the following questions:

Did you complete an apprenticeship abroad?

Why are we asking this?

In order to give you the right information, it is important that we know that you have completed your training abroad.

Please answer the following questions:

Did you complete academic education abroad?

Why are we asking this?

In order to give you the right information, it is important that we know if you have completed your studies abroad.

Please answer the following questions:

Did you complete an apprenticeship or studies in Germany?

Why are we asking this?

Knowing your job status helps determine the right visa path, ensuring you apply for a visa that aligns with your immediate needs—either taking up an offered position or searching for opportunities in Germany.

Help me decide

Answer 1: Job Offer

Select this if you have a confirmed job offer in Germany. It suggests you need a visa for employment, based on an existing contract with an employer.

Answer 2: Job Search

Choose this if you're still seeking employment in Germany. This option points towards a job seeker visa, allowing you to enter Germany to find a job.

Please answer the following questions:

What is your intended job in Germany?

Why are we asking this?

Every reason for a longer professional stay in Germany has its own requirements. To give you the right information, it is important that you state the reason why you want to stay in Germany.

Help me decide

1. Specialist

As a specialist with an academic degree, you must have a german university degree, a recognized foreign university degree or a foreign university degree comparable to a German university degree. 

Professions that fall under this category are all professions that require a university degree. 

For example, doctor, teacher or engineer.

2. Job with vocational Training

If you want to work in a profession that requires vocational training, you must have a german qualified vocational qualification or a foreign vocational qualification that is equivalent to a german qualified vocational qualification. 

Professions that fall under this category are, for example, nurses, caregivers, childcare workers, craftsmen, legal assistants, etc.

3. IT-Specialist without a degree

As an IT specialist with professional experience, you must provide evidence of at least three years of qualified professional experience within the last seven years. Your professional experience must sufficiently qualify you for the occupation you wish to pursue in Germany. This means that it must be related to the profession you wish to pursue in Germany.

4. Transfer from a foreign branch

This category is for cases in which your employer abroad has a branch in Germany and would like to deploy you there. 

5. European Voluntary Service

The European Voluntary Corps offers young people the opportunity to volunteer abroad and work for a cause they believe in: helping refugees and migrants in solidarity, working in the environmental sector, activities for children or the elderly, supporting non-governmental organizations, participating in cultural events and much more

For more information visit: https://youth.europa.eu/go-abroad/volunteering_en 

6. Au Pair

As an au pair, you will look after the children of your host family and help with daily household chores. In return for these services, the family will provide you with a room, meals, pocket money and an allowance for a German language course. The aim is to give young people the opportunity to get to know other languages and cultures across borders in order to promote international understanding.

Please answer the following questions:

Did you graduate from university in the last 3 years?

Why are we asking this?

Depending on how long ago you graduated, other visas or residence permits may be applicable.

Please answer the following questions:

Have you gained at least 3 years of professional experience in information and communication technology in the last 7 years?

Why are we asking this?

Help me decide

Please answer the following questions:

Will you work in Research?

Why are we asking this?

Help me decide

In order to take up a research activity in Germany, a doctoral degree or a suitable university degree that allows access to a doctoral program must be available. In addition, the research activity must be carried out at a recognized research institution. A list of recognized research institutions can be found here.

Please answer the following questions:

Will you earn at least 45,300€ per year?

Why are we asking this?

Depending on the type of visa, a certain minimum income is required. If the minimum income is met, the visa category opens up more possibilities.

Please answer the following questions:

What field will you be working in?

Why are we asking this?

For certain professions, so-called bottleneck professions, lower minimum income requirements apply. You can find a list of bottleneck professions under "Help me decide".

Help me decide

The following professions fall under so-called bottleneck prfessions:

Information and communications technology: 

Information and communications technology service managers, Software and applications developers and analysts, Systems analysts, Software developers, Web and multimedia developers, Applications programmers, Software and applications developers and analysts not elsewhere classified,Database and network professionals , Database designers and administrators. Systems administrators, Computer network professionals, Database and network professionals not elsewhere classified 

Science and engineering

Physicists and astronomers, Meteorologists, Chemists, Geologists und geophysicists, Mathematicians, actuaries and statisticians, Biologists, botanists, zoologists and related professionals, Farming, forestry and fisheries advisers, Environmental protection professionals, Industrial and production engineers, Civil engineers, Environmental engineers, Mechanical engineers, Chemical engineers, Mining engineers, metallurgists and related professionals. Engineering professionals not elsewhere classified, Electrical engineers, Electronics engineers, Telecommunications engineers, Building architects, Landscape architects, Product and garment designers, Town and traffic planners, Cartographers and surveyors, Graphic and multimedia designers


Generalist medical practitioners, Specialist medical practitioners, Nursing professional, Midwifery professionals Veterinarians, Dentists, Pharmacists, Environmental and occupational health and hygiene professionals, Physiotherapists, Dieticians and nutritionists, Audiologists and speech therapists, Optometrists and ophthalmic opticians, Health professionals not elsewhere classified


University and higher education teachers, Vocational education teachers, Secondary education teachers, Primary school and early childhood teachers, Primary school teachers, Early childhood educators, Other teaching professionals, Education methods specialists, Special needs teachers, Other language teachers, Other music teachers, Other arts teachers, Information technology trainers, Teaching professionals not elsewhere classified, Information and communications technology professionals

Professional services managers

Childcare services managers, Health services managers, Aged care services managers, Social welfare managers, Education managers, Financial and insurance services branch managers, Professional services managers not elsewhere classified

Manufacturing, mining, construction,and distribution managers 

Manufacturing managers. Mining managers, Construction managers, Supply, distribution and related managers

Please answer the following questions:

Will you earn at least 41,041.80€ ?

Why are we asking this?

Depending on the type of visa or residence permit, a certain minimum income is required. If the minimum income is met, the visa category opens up more possibilities.

Good to Know

Choosing the correct embassy is crucial for initiating your German visa application. Each embassy follows specific guidelines tailored to its host country. Selecting the right embassy, based on your location, ensures a smooth process and provides you with the most relevant information and support, facilitating a streamlined visa application process.

Please choose your continent of origin

Please choose your contry of origin

Please choose your country if origin

Please choose your country if origin

Please choose your country if origin

Please choose your country if origin

Please choose your country if origin

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We want to learn about your problem.

Please type in your question (or feature request) with all neccassary information
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  • We aim to awnser every question as best as we can
  • We cannot give any garantee on correctness of our awnsers
  • Your data will be held confidential

Good to Know

Selecting the right Immigration Office (Ausländerbehörde) in Germany, based on your residence, is key to a smooth resident permit process. It ensures compliance with local laws and provides accurate guidance, streamlining your application.

Please enter the zip code of your german adress
Please provide a german zip code consisting of 5 numbers

You are almost there!

All you have to do is fill out the contact form below.  

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Your result and your checklist are on their way!

We will send you the result of which visa or residence permit category might be interesting for you and a checklist of documents that you must provide to the German authorities when submitting your application via e-mail. 

All you have to do is fill out the contact form below.  

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Email Adress
Please provide a valid email adress e.g. visaflow@mail.de
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Your result is on its way!

We will send you the result of which Embassy is near you when submitting your application via e-mail. 

All you have to do is fill out the contact form below.  

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Email Adress
Please provide a valid email adress e.g. visaflow@mail.de
Bitte gib eine Antwort an

Your result is on its way!

We will send you the result of which Immigration office could be responsible for you when submitting your application via e-mail. 

All you have to do is fill out the contact form below.  

Bitte gib deinen Vornamen an
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Email Adress
Please provide a valid email adress e.g. visaflow@mail.de
Bitte gib eine Antwort an

Great you are almost done!

We will send you the result of which visa category might be interesting for you via e-mail. 

All you have to do is fill out the contact form below. 

Once we have checked your case, we will contact you via email.

Other wording: As soon as your answers have been checked, you will receive an e-mail with your result.

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Email Adress
Please provide a valid email adress e.g. visaflow@mail.de
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We will process your information and contact you via email. Please keep in mind that we double-check every response. Due to high demand this may take up to 2 business days.

How likely is it that you will reccomend our service to a friend?

Good News!

Based on our analysis you could apply for a visa in Germany!*

Mein Bild
*Based on our preliminary assessment, you might be eligible to apply for a visa in Germany. This does not guarantee visa issuance, as final decisions depend on the German authorities considering your specific situation and current regulations.

Your report includes:

Visa Application Guide
Step-by-step assistance for the application process.
Document Checklist
Complete list of needed documents.
Health Insurance Support
Choosing suitable coverage.
Pre-arrival and Cultural Tips
Tips for a smooth transition.

Hier müssen wir die Kunden darauf hinweisen, dass wir sie jetzt weiter unterstützen können. Mit zusätzlichen Services, wie zum Beispiel Checklists, Guides, oder einfach aufzählen der sonstigen Vorraussetzungen, die sie benötigen und wie sie dese bekommen.

Idee: das ist nur der Start für unser Service - Dieser kann wie eine Argenturleistung sein und wir helfen ihnen Schritt für Schritt. Liefern Pakete mit allen wichtigen Informationen. Student Paket für Exchange Students mit allen wichtigen Informationen aufbereitet als Ebook oder Guide. 


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