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How motivated are you to lose weight?

How much weight can I lose?

Studies have shown you can lose up to 19% of your body weight if your BMI(Body Mass Index) is 30% or higher.

Have you had any of the following conditions?

What is your Date of Birth?

Please specify an answer

What is your Weight Loss Goal?

How much weight would you like to lose?
Please specify an answer

Hi Friends!

"I'm Christina, and let's talk about Momentum Health. No, it's not another diet fad – it’s my secret weapon! Imagine a plan that fits YOUR life, not the other way around. I'm shedding weight, gaining confidence, and loving life. Ready to join my Momentum tribe? Let’s do this together!"

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Do I qualify for  GLP-1 Weight Loss?

How much do you currently weigh?

Weight in lbs.
Please specify an answer

How Tall are you?

Height In Ft. (Feet)
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer



Calculating your BMI

Fun Fact:

GLP-1 Medications are the safest and most effective 

way to sustained weight loss

Almost finished!

First name
Please enter your first name
Last name
Please enter your last name
Email address
Please enter a valid email address

Congratulations @first_name You Qualify!

Your BMI is:

(@Weight / ((@heightft * 12 + @Inches)^2)) * 703

Current Weight: @Weight lbs.

Target Weight Goal = @Weight * (.85) lbs.

Total Weight Loss = @Weight * (.15) lbs.

BMI Below 18.5
BMI 18.5-24.9
Normal Weight
BMI 25-29.9
30 and above
Obese Let's us help!
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You risk nothing but excess weight with our money-back guarantee.

We believe in your success at Momentum Health. If you don't achieve a minimum 5% weight loss over 12 months in our Weight Loss Program, you qualify for a refund. Explore terms for details.

Let's Get Started!

Schedule a Call With A Patient Coordinator


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